Code: 180367
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: pred. Marica Grgurinović
Lecturers: pred. Marica Grgurinović - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Ability to communicate with the arts and with the help of art. Knowledge of common characteristics and important differences between the puppet and dramatic expression. Basic knowledge of the puppet-stage art as the preferred form of communication between child and adult (non-verbal communication with the use of elements of these artistic disciplines), which complements the frontal, more stressful forms of communication. Knowing the importance of communication using artistic means of expression in overcoming verbal communication, to connect individuals with different cultural, social and intellectual backgrounds. Knowledge, understanding and flexible use of knowledge on a wide possibility of including theatrical puppets and other theatrical means of expression in the area of work of teachers and social pedagogues. Knowledge of theoretical starting points and principles of creative drama. To become aware that a puppet is an extraordinary motivation tool for enrichment and stimulation of child's affective and social potential.
Learning outcomes:
  1. Prolaz u zamišljeni svijet, Prolaz u zamišljeni svijet : procesna drama ili drama u nastajanju : priručnik za odgajatelje, učitelje, nastavnike i sve one koji se bave dramskim radom s djecom i mladima, Gruić, I., Zagreb:Golden marketing, 2002.
  2. Duša u stvari, osnovne lutkarske tehnike i njihova primjena, Opisane su različite vrste lutaka, dano je objašnjenje njihovog naziva (i eventualnih problema s nazivljem), kratak prikaz povijesnog razvoja s najvažnijim predstavnicima, poetika i primjeni pojedine lutkarske tehnike., Kroflin, Livija, Osijek: Akademija za umjetnost i kulturu, 2020.
  3. Tajna je u lutki, igrokazi, Jelašac, Mirjana, Zagreb: Međunarodni centar za usluge u kulturi, 2002.
  4. Lutka---divnog li čuda!, zbornik tekstova raznih autora koji rade s djecom i lutkom, o radu iz rauličitih aspekata, Majaron, E., Kroflin, L. (ur.), Zagreb: Međunarodni centar za usluge u kulturi, 2004.
  5. Lutka za kazalište i dušu, poetika lutkarstva, Paljetak, Luko, Zagreb: Međunarodni centar za usluge u kulturi, 2007.
  6. Drveni osmijesi, Eseji iz povijesti i teorije lutkarstva, Mrkšić, Borislav, Zagreb: Savez društava Naša djeca SR Hrvatske, 1975.
  7. Lutka ima srce i pamet, o lutkarstvu i lutki sa stajališta kliničke psihologije, Bastašić, Zlatko, Zagreb:Školska knjiga, 1988.
Optional literature:
  1. Puppetry in Education and Therapy, se, Bernier, M., O'Hare, J. (ur.), United States: Authorhouse, 2005.
  2. Otrok v svetu glasbe, plesa in lutk., , Borota, B., Geršak, V., Korošec, H., Majaron, E., Koper: Univerza na Primorskem, Pedagoška fakulteta Koper, 2006.
  3. The World Conference on Arts Education. Building Creative Capacities for 21st Century, , Road Map for Arts Education, Lisbon: UNESCO, 2006.
  4. Creative drama in the classroom and beyond, , McCaslin, N., Boston: Pearson Education, 2006.
3. semester
MODUL: Dramsko i lutkarsko izražavanje i stvaranje (3.sem. - RPOO IZV) - Part-time studij - Early and Preschool Education
Consultations schedule: