+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Romantic literature written in Italian language in Dalmatia

Code: 67839
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: prof. dr. sc. Nikica Mihaljević
Lecturers: prof. dr. sc. Nikica Mihaljević - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
During this course students are introduced to the main features of the literature in Dalmatia written in Italian language during the period of Romanticism. They also learn the socio-historical and cultural characteristics of Dalmatia during the 1st half of 18th century. Students also learn how to approach critically a literary text and how to analyze it autonomously.

After this course students will be able to:
1) analyse the socio-historical and cultural circumstances in Dalmatia in the first half of 18th century;
2) recognise literary movements and styles of different authors in Dalmatia in the first half of 18th century;
3) differentiate literary styes of different authors in Dalmatia in the first half of 18th century;
4) compare different styles of the authors in Dalmatia in the first half of 18th century;
5) analyze autonomously and interpret literary texts in the field of Romanticism in Dalmatia in the first half of 18th century.
Learning outcomes:
  1. Le wile del Mosor, , Ivačić, S, Zadar: Battara., 1833.
  2. I conti di Spalato, , Solitro, G, Venezia: Perini., 1854.
  3. Nepomoceno Orsino, , Vidović, M. A, Zadar: Fratelli Battara., 1858.
  4. Damiano di Ragusa, , Vidović, M. A, Zadar: Fratelli Battara., 1862.
  5. Književni dodiri hrvatsko-talijanski, , Zorić, M, Split: Književni krug., 1992.
  6. Milienco e Dobrilla, , Kažotić, M, Zadar: Fratelli Battara., 1833.
  7. Scintille, , Tommaseo, N, Lanciano: Carabba, 1926.
  8. Iskrice, , Tommaseo, N, Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 1988.
  9. Un italiano in Dalmazia precursore del Risorgimento: l abate vicentino Bernardino Bicego. U: La letteratura degli italiani 3. Gli italiani della letteratura (ur. Allasia, C. Masoero, M., Nay, L.), , Mihaljević N, Alessandria: Edizioni dell Orso, 2012.
Optional literature:
  1. Niccolo' Tommaseo e il suo mondo. Patrie e nazioni, , Bruni, F. (ur.), Mariano del Friuli: Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana - Venezia, Edizioni della Laguna., 2002.
  2. Dalle due sponde, contributi sulle relazioni letterarie italocroate, , Zorić, M, Roma: Il Calamo., 1999.
2. semester
Talijanistika 2. ljetni sem. (nastavnički smjer) - Regular studij - Italian Studies; Teacher Education
Elective course - Regular studij - Italian Studies; Teacher Education
Talijanistika 2. ljetni sem (prevoditeljski smjer) - Regular studij - Italian Studies (Translator/Interpreter Education)
Elective course - Regular studij - Italian Studies (Translator/Interpreter Education)
Consultations schedule: