The students should become familiar with basic features of translation skill and will be introduced to specialist texts of the kind they will be expected to handle in a professional context.
1th week: Overview
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
2nd week: Legal and administrative language: written words as mediators between institutions and public: sentence, order, enforcement etc.
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
3rd week: Linguistic characteristic of specialized texts. Passive and Impersonal Construction
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
4th week: Linguistic characteristic of specialist language: Imperatives and Modals
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
5th week: Linguistic characteristic of specialist language: Epistemic and Deontic readings in the specialist language
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
6th week: Semantic characteristics of specialist language: mono-referential expressions, hyperonym, semantic empathy, coherency and cohesion
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
7th week: Lexical characteristic of specialist language: nomina actionis, nomina instrumenti, nomina acti, collocations, invariant terminology, specialist koiné
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
8th week: Stylistic features of specialist language: stile commatico (point to point translation)
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
9th week: Models of Translation: Supported Translation, Automatic Translation, Corpora
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
10th week: Translation for Institutions from Croatian into Italian and vice versa. Glossary.
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
11th week: Test
12th week: Revision of Texts. Rules for Translator. Index of legibility (gulpease)
Exercises involving translation, working on the chosen texts, types of translation problems
13th week: Translation Midterm Exam
14th week: Identification, description and explanation of errors: syntactic, semantic and lexical errors.
15th week: Course Summary
- La traduzione specializzata. Lingue speciali e mediazione linguistica, , Scarpa, Federica, Milano, Hoepli, 2001.
- Linguaggio giurdico-amministrativo, in Encicolpedia Treccani dell'Italiano, , Cortelazzo A. Michele, , 2010.
- Un treno di sintomi. I medici e le parole: percorsi linguistici nel passato e nel presente, , Luca Serianni, Milano, Garzanti, 2005.
- Lingue speciali. La dimensione verticale, (III ediz.), Michele A. Cortelazzo, Padova, Unipress, 2007.
- Linguaggi specialistici dell'italiano, , Gualdo, Riccardo, Telve, Stefano, Roma, Carocci, 2012.