+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Educational Context of Children's Nurseries

Code: 120172
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivana Visković
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivana Visković - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Gaining additional competences for the development of integrated nursery curriculum.
Learning outcomes:
  1. Odgoj u jaslicama., , Nenadić, S., Imotski: Potjeh., 2002.
  2. Kurikulum za jaslice, , Stokes Szatan, Zagreb: Pučko otvoreno učilište Korak po korak., 2005.
  3. S djecom u jaslicama, , Došen-Dobud, A., Zagreb: Alinea., 2004.
  4. Kontekst ustanove za rani odgoj i obrazovanje, holistički pristup., (odabrana poglavlja)., Petrović Sočo, B., Zagreb: Mali profesor., 2007.
Optional literature:
  1. Odgoj i njega djece u drugoj i trećoj godini života., , Miljak, A., Zagreb: Školske novine., 1990.
Prerequisit for:
Enrollment :
Attended : Pedagogy of Early and Preschool Education 1
4. semester
Rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje 4 - Regular studij - Early and Preschool Education
Consultations schedule: