021 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split


Znanstveni centar ''Berislav Žarnić''

Voditelj centra:

prof. dr. sc. Tonći Kokić



prof. dr. sc. Dario Škarica
doc. dr. sc. Ljudevit Hanžek
dr. sc. Gabriela Bašić Hanžek, poslijedoktorandica
Danica Radoš, asistentica


Glavne djelatnosti: istraživački rad, znanstveno izdavaštvo, organizacija znanstvenih predavanja, diseminacija znanja, kolegijalno povezivanje s drugim istraživačima i institucijama.



Znanstveni centar ''Berislav Žarnić'' osnovan je 2016. godine na Filozofskome fakultetu u Splitu pod nazivom Znanstveni centar za logiku, epistemologiju i filozofiju znanosti. Danas nosi naziv po idejnom tvorcu i utemeljitelju p. prof. Berislavu Žarniću (1959. - 2017.).

Centar je osnovan s vizijom jačanja unutarnje suradnje istraživača na Fakultetu koji djeluju u području teorijske filozofije, ali i širenja suradnje sa srodnim institucijama i pojedincima u znanstvenoj zajednici. Pri tome je fokus na temama i problemima kojima se bave filozofske discipline logika, epistemologija i filozofija znanosti.

Svojim su nas gostovanjem i izlaganjima već počastili sljedeći predavači: Timothy Williamson (Wykeham Professor of Logic, University of Oxford), Tomoyuki Yamada (University of Sapporo), Michael Peters (University of Waikato), Srećko Kovač (Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb), Neven SesardićLuca Malatesti (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci), Boran Berčić (Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Rijeci), Bojan Borstner (Univerza v Mariboru), Vladimir Drekalović (Univerzitet Crne Gore), Milan Jovanović (Filozofski fakultet u Nišu).

Centar je i suizdavač zbornika tekstova Physics and Philosophy II,  nastalog na temelju izlaganja na međunarodnim znanstvenim skupovima Physics and Philosophy na Sveučilištu u Splitu 2016. i 2017.
Utemeljitelj je ovih interdisciplinarnih događanja još 2013. bio prof. Žarnić s prof. Franjom Sokolićem (tada Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet u Splitu) i prof. Draganom Poljakom (Fakultet elektrotehnike, strojarstva i brodogradnje), a više je članova Centra redovito sudjelovalo u radu skupova i njihovoj organizaciji.



Gostovanje Dana Zemana na Znanstvenom centru ''Berislav Žarnić''

Dan Zeman, sa Sveučilišta u Varšavi, održat će na našem centru znanstveno predavanje u petak, 10. lipnja 2022. u 18:00, u učionici P16.


Predavanje je naslovljeno: Contextualism and Relativism: Latest Arguments and Developments




n this survey talk, I focus on the debate between contextualism and relativism in current philosophy of language, as applied to the category of natural language expressions known as “perspectival expressions”- predicates of personal taste, aesthetic adjectives, moral terms, epistemic modals and epistemic vocabulary, gradable adjectives etc. The main difference between the two (broad) views is the role they assign to context (content-determinative and circumstance-determinative, respectively) and, consequently, the types of semantic contents they claim utterances containing the target expressions have. The debate has been going on for quite some time, and various types of arguments have been proposed: the argument from faultless disagreement, the argument from retraction, arguments based on syntactic phenomena (binding, control, etc.), the argument from perspectival plurality, and arguments from the behaviour of the target expressions in embeddings under various attitude verbs (“think/believe”, “know”, “find” etc.). I will have a look at the current status of each of these arguments, attempt to assess their dialectical efficacy and signal what I take to be future fruitful avenues to explore. 



Pozivamo nastavnike i studente Filozofskog fakulteta da sudjeluju na predavanju i uključe se u raspravu.





Dan Zeman, from the University of Warsaw, will hold a scientific talka t our Centre, on Friday 10th June, at 18:00, in classroom P16.


The title of the talk is:  Contextualism and Relativism: Latest Arguments and Developments




n this survey talk, I focus on the debate between contextualism and relativism in current philosophy of language, as applied to the category of natural language expressions known as “perspectival expressions”- predicates of personal taste, aesthetic adjectives, moral terms, epistemic modals and epistemic vocabulary, gradable adjectives etc. The main difference between the two (broad) views is the role they assign to context (content-determinative and circumstance-determinative, respectively) and, consequently, the types of semantic contents they claim utterances containing the target expressions have. The debate has been going on for quite some time, and various types of arguments have been proposed: the argument from faultless disagreement, the argument from retraction, arguments based on syntactic phenomena (binding, control, etc.), the argument from perspectival plurality, and arguments from the behaviour of the target expressions in embeddings under various attitude verbs (“think/believe”, “know”, “find” etc.). I will have a look at the current status of each of these arguments, attempt to assess their dialectical efficacy and signal what I take to be future fruitful avenues to explore. 


Teachers and students of Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences are invited to the talk and subsequent discusssion.

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