Journal of Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split, No. 6-7, 2016
Original scientific paper
Andreja Bubić ; Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, Split, Croatia
pages 228-246
While the study of human judgment and decision making was traditionally focused on investigating various cognitive and external factors that influence our thoughts and behaviors, in recent years the relevance of individual differences in reasoning has also been recognized. The goal of the present study was to investigate the contribution of basic human needs and beliefs for understanding participants’ decision making styles and approaches. The study was conducted among a group of students who completed instruments designed for measuring basic human needs, belief in free will and three decision making approaches that include maximizing, problem solving confidence and regret. The obtained results indicate the need for competence as a statistically significant predictor of all assessed decision making styles. In addition, the need for autonomy was identified as a significant predictor of individuals’ problem-solving confidence, while maximizing was revealed as a significant predictor of regret. Overall, the obtained findings suggest strong interrelations among individuals’ motivational and cognitive processes, and thus contribute to the current understanding of our judgment and decision making.
maximizing; problem-solving confidence; free will; basic human needs; regret