+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia


Teaching Staff

The list of teaching staff involved in the in the study of Psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is shown below, with their notable research interests.

Scientific productivity and citations of employees at the Department of Psychology is avaliable here.


Her research interests are: parenting psychology (transition to parenthood; subjective well-being of parents; experience of parenthood and parenting practices; mindfulness in parenting); childhood and adolescence development (relationship between parenting practices and development in adolescence; role of school and educational processes in the development of children and adolescents); music psychology (determinants of musical preferences; role of personality and emotions in experiencing music; emotions and music).
His research interests are: Neuroscience, Psychology of consciousness, Psychology of religion.
His research interests are related to the psychological and health aspects of long-distance swimming and the use of psychedelics in psychiatry.
Her research interests are primarily focused on researching mental health difficulties, diagnostic specifics and psychotherapeutic approaches in the treatment of depression, and risk factors of domestic violence.
His research interests are translation of scientific information, scientific research integrity, open science, research methodology, reproducibility of scientific research, decision-making, social psychology.
His professional interests include developmental psychology and psychopathology, speciffically theory of mind and ADHD in preschool children, and gestalt psychotherapy, its relation to the aesthetics of contact, liminality, death, loss and grief.  
The primary scientific research interest of Linda Lusic Kalcina is a scientific field of sleep disorders and sleep habits, with a special emphasis on the research of psychomotor abilities in patients with breathing disorders during sleep.
Lana Pehar's research interests are primarily in the field of social psychology, specifically in the area of intergroup relations between members of the majority and minority in multiethnic communities and the factors that influence their complex dynamics. In her PhD research, she examined the effects of different types of intergroup contact and group norms, as well as their interplay in the prediction of intergroup attitudes and behavior of adolescents, members of the Croatian majority, and the Serbian, Hungarian, Czech, and Italian national minorities in the multi-ethnic communities of Vukovar-Srijem, Osijek - Baranja, Bjelovar-Bilogora and Istria counties. Additionally, she is interested in different theoretical approaches to the determinants of intergroup prejudice and discrimination, as well as environmental influences on the development of the ethnic identity of children and youth.
Also, a number of external collaborators participate in the implementation of classes: