Head of department:
Eldi Grubišić Pulišelić, PhD, Full Professor
E-mail: eldi@ffst.hr
ECTS coordinator:
Marijana Erstić, PhD, Associate Professor
E-mail: merstic@ffst.hr
Department Secretary:
Snježana Lauš
E-mail: slaus@ffst.hr
Student Services:
E-mail: referada@ffst.hr
General information about the program
The undergraduate degree programme German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, has been created to educate and train professionals in the field of German studies. The need for such experts has long been present in today’s labour market due to the internationalisation of the economy and all other areas of modern society. German is one of the major languages of the world: The first language of about 87 million people in the EU and 95 million people worldwide. The importance of German language across Europe, but also the world, opens up many opportunities for bachelors in educational, cultural and administrative institutions, in publishing, in the media and especially in tourism.
The study programme German Language and Literature has been created in such a way to combine fundamental knowledge in linguistics, literature in German and German as a foreign language. Taking into consideration the continuing educational needs of the local community, as well as the economic trends in Split and Split-Dalmatia County (with its stress on tourism), there has been a growing demand for experts in the field of German studies. After the completion of undergraduate studies, an advanced level of language and the ability to comprehend and interpret topics in German language and literature will be acquired.