The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Split is a public higher education institution that organizes and conducts university and professional study programs and develops scientific and professional work in several scientific fields.
The Faculty currently has 174 employees, of which 136 are in the scientific-teaching or teaching positions, and 38 in associate positions. The Faculty has mlore than 1400 students and is focused on the education and scientific production of experts in social sciences, humanities, and interdisciplinary sciences.
Built on the rich cultural, artistic and humanistic tradition of the Mediterranean and Dalmatian environment, the Faculty is a pivotal site for developing humanities and social sciences in this area. The Faculty results are confirmed by various scientific and professional projects, international and domestic cooperation, and social recognition. The Faculty is also recognized for its numerous lifelong learning programs, scientific conferences and gatherings, popularization of science, and publishing activities. Additionally, domestic and foreign teaching bases are a form of implementation of professional practice in study programs. The Faculty has also become a promoter of cultural heritage at the domestic and international level by organizing numerous exhibitions, literary meetings, and other cultural and artistic events and maintaining contact with representatives of diplomatic missions in the Republic of Croatia, ambassadors, and consular staff.
The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Split was established in 2005 by merging the Teacher Training College and the Humanities Department. As an independent organizational unit of the University of Split, the Teacher Training College had existed since 1998, when the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Croatia separated Primary Education Studies and Pre-school Education Studies from the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Education of the University of Split. The Humanities Department was established as a subsidiary of the University of Split in 2001 with three core study programs - Croatian Language and Literature, English Language and Literature, and Italian Language and Literature, along with the off-campus History study program of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb. With the establishment of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, four new study programs and departments were opened: Sociology, Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Art History.
In the academic year 2013/14, the undergraduate study of Early and Preschool Education began. In the academic year 2017/18, the graduate study of the same program was established as a part-time study. In the academic year 2018/19, the undergraduate university study of German language and literature began. In the academic year 2021/22, the first generation of students will enrol in the graduate university study of German language and literature. The first generation of students to obtain the academic degree of Doctor of Science in the interdisciplinary field of humanities at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split enroled in the academic year 2011/2012. Doctoral study is called postgraduate university study in Humanities. In the academic year 2021/2022, the self-financing undergraduate university study program Psychology - Psychology in English will be conducted.