+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Critical thinking

Code: 175149
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Bruno Ćurko
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The aim of the course is to review development of critical thinking from ancient times to the present. Also, one aim is to train students to independently conduct workshops for critical thinking so that they can include various strategies for developing critical thinking in their teaching.
Course content:
1. What is critical thinking? (2 hours)
2. Development of the concept of critical thinking from pre-Socrates to John Dewey (2 hours)
3. John Dewey and Reflective Thinking (2 hours)
4. Development of the concept of critical thinking in the 20th and 21st centuries (2 hours)
5. Mathew Lipman and Multidimensional Thinking (2 hours)
6. Philosophy with children (2 hours)
7. The connection and differences between creative and critical thinking (2 hours)
8. Play as a path of critical thinking (2 hours)
9. Using stories in teaching materials to develop critical thinking (2 hours)
10.Structured dialogue (2 hours)
11. Philosophical Inquiry (2 hours)
12. The Art of the Question - How do age-oriented questions encourage children to think? (2 hours)
13. Socratic dialogue in teaching (2 hours)
14. Examples of good practice in learning for thinking today (2 hours)
15. How to modify existing educational materials and adapt them to 'learn to think' (2 hours)
Learning outcomes:
  1. Explain what critical thinking is and how it has evolved throughout history;
  2. Compare contemporary theories and practices of critical thinking
  3. Analyze educational materials for critical thinking and implement them in a quality way in the teaching process;
  4. Be able to conduct critical thinking workshops
  5. Modify existing educational materials to teach critical thinking through them.
  6. Be able to lead a structured dialogue with arguments;
  7. To develop an awareness of the necessity of 'learning to think' in contemporary society
  8. To realize the connection and difference between critical and creative thinking.
  1. Kritičko mišljenje priručnik kritičkog mišljenja, slušanja, čitanja i pisanje, , Iva Buchberger, Udruga za razvoj visokoga školstva Universitas., 2012.
  2. Kritičko mišljenje u nastavi filozofije, logike i etike, , Bruno Ćurko, Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo., 2017.
  3. Thinking in Education, , Lipman, Matthew, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  4. Critical Thinking: An Introduction. Cambridge, , Fisher, Alec, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
  5. Teaching Children to Think, , Fisher, Robert., Nelson Thornes, 2005.
1. semester
Filozofija zimski semestar(prediplomski studij) - Regular studij - Philosophy
Elective course - Regular studij - Philosophy

3. semester
Filozofija zimski semestar(prediplomski studij) - Regular studij - Philosophy
Elective course - Regular studij - Philosophy

5. semester
Filozofija 5. semestar izborni - Regular studij - Philosophy
Elective course - Regular studij - Philosophy
Consultations schedule: