1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Lectures |
15 |
Seminar |
15 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Introduction to the development of childrens music abilities. Observation, perception and experience of music; Music abilities; The development and measurement of music abilities; Music preference.
Learning outcomes:
- The Child as Musician: A Handbook of Musical Development, , McPherson, Gary E., Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
- Zašto volimo ono što slušamo: Glazbeno-pedagoški i psihologijski aspekti glazbenih preferencija., , Dobrota, Snježana; Reić Ercegovac, Ina, Filozofski fakultet Svečilišta u Splitu, 2016.
Optional literature:
- Testiranje u muzici, , Rojko, Pavel, Zagreb: Muzikološki zavod Muzičke akademije, 1981.
- Hanbook of Music and Emotion. Theory, Research, Applications, , Juslin, Patrik N, Sloboda, John A. (eds.), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010.