1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Lectures |
30 |
Seminar |
30 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
To enable students for critical scientific study of pedagogy as theory and practice of development of competencies for life, for successful organisation and satisfactory professional and scientific dealing with pedagogical issues and activities in the processes of education, upbringing and training.
Learning outcomes:
- to explain the epistemological characteristics of pedagogy
- to critically reflect and discuss on basic pedagogical conceptions and reform pedagogies and identify their strengths and weaknesses
- to take a stand on the need to respect the rights, needs and interests of each individual and his uniqueness
- to critically analyze and compare traditional and modern definitions of basic pedagogical terms and different understandings of pedagogy as a science
- to argue the basic postulates of pedagogy as a theory of competencies
- to identify the advantages and disadvantages of pedagogical theories of personality development
- to identify the advantages and disadvantages of pedagogical theories of personality development
- to explain aspects and methods of pedagogical work in the development of competencies
- to set pedagogy and andragogy in relation
- to explain the need for the theoretical and practical development of competencies for intercultural relations
- to explain the reasons why curriculum development is a pedagogical problem
- Vodič za studij znanosti o odgoju: što može, što želi, , Lenzen, D, Zagreb: Educa (odabrana poglavlja), 2002.
- Teorije znanosti o odgoju, , König E. i Zedler P, Zagreb: Educa (odabrana poglavlja), 2000.
- Pedagogija, , Malić, J. i Mužić, V, Zagreb: Školska knjiga (odabrana poglavlja), 1981.
- Pedagogija: teorija osposobljavanja, , Milat, J, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2005.
- Pedagogija, , Vukasović, A, Zagreb: HKZ Mi (odabrana poglavlja), 1990.
Optional literature:
- Uvod u pedagogiju, , Giesecke, H, Zagreb: Educa, 1993.
- Pedagogija: temeljna znanja, , Gudjons, H, Zagreb: Educa (odabrana poglavlja), 1994.
- Učenje: blago u nama, , Delors, J. (ur.), Zagreb: Educa (odabrana poglavlja), 1998.
- Što je obrazovanje?, , Hentig, von H, Zagreb: Educa, 2008.
- Kakav odgoj želimo?, , Hentig, von H, Zagreb: Educa, 2007.
- Kvalitetna škola, , Glasser, W, Zagreb: Educa, 2005.
- Osnove suvremene pedagogije, , Mijatović, A. (ur.), Zagreb: HPKZ, 1999.
- Odgoj za budućnost, , Morin, E, Zagreb: Educa, 2002.