1. komponenta
Lecture type | Total |
Lectures |
30 |
Seminar |
15 |
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The aim of the course is to prepare future teachers for all the challenges of their highly profession, and to provide the necessary knowledge and instructions for more successful rhetorical and speaking activities within their profession. The aim is also to help raise awareness of speech deviations as well as to point out the importance of a healthy and pleasant voice. Students will also learn to distinguish between monologue and dialogic speech types required for a teaching profession. The aim is to train students to speak in an instructive strategy, to listen and evaluate speech performances.
There are no course enrolment requirements.
Course content:
Week 1
L: Defining and determining the characteristics of public speech and its relationship to private. Definition of rhetoric and different types of speech (monologue and dialogue) are explained. The importance of learning public speaking and acquiring public speaking skills is pointed out.
S: Presenting and introducing students - raising awareness of the difference between public and private speaking. Dividing the topics of seminar papers and introducing students to the obligations during the course.
Week 2
L: Speech composition - rhetorical scheme: the basis of good speech. Speech design: determining the central idea (thesis) and goal of speech.
S: Watching speech recordings and getting acquainted with the speech performance assessment questionnaire. Establishing evaluation criteria. Monitoring the composition of speech, introducing the individual parts of the composition.
Week 3
L: The voice and pronunciation analysis. Voice and pronunciation exercises.
S: Improvisation. Recording of speech performances.
Week 4
L: Initial speech design 2 - strategies. Getting to know different speech strategies and determining the characteristics of each. Examples for each strategy.
S: Speech performance 1. Students seminars on different topics (two seminar presentations and two analysis), commenting on seminar papers with reference to the performance evaluation form.
Week 5
L: Introduction to the elements of audience profile and speech adjustment. Choosing strategy according to the established audience profile.
S: Speech performance 2. Students seminars on different topics, commenting on seminar. Commenting on speech status.
Week 6
L: Introduction to the basics of argumentation with special emphasis on the term s definition. Definition and the different types of definitions.
S: Speech performance 3. Students seminars on different topics, commenting on seminar. Commenting on speech status. Practicing the definition.
Week 7
L: Students become aware of the importance of logic in speech. They listen to examples of logical and illogical speech and analyse. Logical connections: induction, deduction, analogy, signs and causal connections.
S: Speech performance 4. Students seminars on different topics, commenting on seminar. Commenting on speech status.
Week 8
L: Speech preparation stages.
S: Speech performance Students seminars on different topics, commenting on seminar. Commenting on speech status.
Week 9
L: Students are introduced to the elements of critical speech listening, with the basics speech and listening etiquette.
S: Speech performance 6. Students seminars on different topics, commenting on seminar. Commenting on speech status.
Week 10
L: Students are introduced to the basics of communication (prosodic features). They learn types of nonverbal signs and their interpretation, especially proxemics.
S: Speech performance 7. Students seminars on different topics, commenting on seminar. Commenting on speech status.
Week 11
L: Students are introduced to different types of appropriate speeches (toasts, ceremony speeches, welcome speeches). They learn what good occasional speech must have.
S: Notes and media. Students are introduced to note-taking techniques as well with how to use media. Practical tips for making presentations are given.
Week 12
L: Introduction to debate. Students get to learn elements of debate, roles in debate, and different types of debate. students invent debating theses that they can use in class
S: Special occasion speeches - exercises.
Week 13
L: Introduction to the meeting. Students are get acquainted with the different types of meeting and the rules of conducting the meeting. They learn how prepare and lead the meeting to make it as effective as possible. The class improvises a meeting (meeting of class teachers in an emergency situation, etc.)
S: Students are trained in debating.
Week 14
L: Students are introduced to the characteristics of good speaking style and are warn of the most common linguistic and speech errors that occur in public speaking. They are also introduced to the characteristics of speech elegance. They learn modal expressions and the importance of their application in speech.
S: Students try to participate in the meeting.
Week 15
Teacher conclusion and evaluation.
Students are required to:
- actively, regularly and constructively participate in classes (students are required to attend a minimum of 80% of lectures and 80% of seminars)
- respect the ethical and scientific principles of the higher education institution
- prepare and present so called little and big speech
- pass a written exam
- to be informed about the classes he / she missed with other students or in consultations with the professor
Considering the learning outcomes and students' obligations, the final grade is based on the following elements:
- big public speech - 30%
- small public speech - 30%
- passed written exam - 40%
Criteria for evaluating and grading individual elements are described in the course repository.
Learning outcomes:
- Glumac i glas, , Berry, C., Zagreb: AGM., 1997.
- Retorika i društvo., , Kišiček, G., Stanković, D., Zagreb: Naklada Slap., 2014.
- Neverbalna komunikacija u razredu, , Neill, S., Zagreb: Educa., 1994.
- Argumentacija, , Škarić, I., Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus., 2011.
- Temeljci suvremenoga govorništva, , Škarić, I., Zagreb: Školska knjiga., 2000.
Optional literature:
- Retorika, , Aristotel, Zagreb: Naprijed., 1989.
- Retorika i politika, , Kišiček, G., Zagreb: Naklada Jesenski i Turk., 2018.
- Confidence in Public Speaking., , Nelson, Paul E.; Peason, Judy, C., Boston: Times Mirror Higher Education Group, Inc., 1996.
- Public Speaking. Third Edition, , Osborn, M.; Osborn, S., Boston-New York: Houghton Mifflin Company., 1997.
- Razgovori o retorici, , Škarić, I.; Ivas, I., Zagreb: Hrvatsko filološko društvo, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odsjek za fonetiku, FF press., 2007.