+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Italian lexicography and lexicology

Code: 130578
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Snježana Bralić
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Snježana Bralić - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 15
Seminar 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Introducing the basic characteristics of Italian lexicography and lexicology, defining basic terminology and field of research. By illustration of recent scientific achievements in elaboration and use of a dictionary, the students will become aware of the correct use of monolingual, bilingual, electronic and on line dictionaries. Thanks to many examples and practice provided by Italian monolingual dictionaries the students learn how to use a dictionary. The students become familiar with basic word-formation processes through classification of the word-formation processes within lexicology, a detailed outlook into Italian lexis and particularly recent words and phrasal expressions.

Upon the completion of the course the student will be able to:
1) define and explain the basic notions from the field of lexicology and lexicography;
2) define words according to the word-formation and meaning;
3) Recognize, explain and give examples for derivation, composition and borrowing in Italian language;
4) classify and compare language facts on lexical level;
5) distinguish and analyse language facts on lexicographic level;
6) analyse lexical categories in the contemporary Italian texts.

STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Class attendance and participation in class activities: 80% lectures, 80% seminars. Writing seminar paper, written exam. The students have a possibility of taking the final exam through midterm exams.

GRADING AND EVALUATING STUDENT WORK: Detailed evaluation criteria can be found in the course repository.
Learning outcomes:
    Dardano, M. (1978). La formazione delle parole. Roma: Bulzoni.
    Zolli, P. (1989). Come nascono le parole italiane. Milano: Rizzoli.
    Della Valle, V. (2005). Dizionari italiani: storia, tipi, struttura. Roma: Carocci.
    Adamo, G. & Della Valle, V. (2003). Neologismi quotidiani. Un dizionario a cavallo del millennio (1998-2003). Firenze: Leo S. Olschki.
    Devoto, G. & Oli, G. C. (2014). Il dizionario della lingua italiana. Firenze: Le Monnier.
    Zingarelli, N. (2014). Vocabolario della lingua italiana. Bologna: Zanichelli.

    Migliorini, B. (1961). Che cos'e' un vocabolario? Firenze: Le Monnier.
    Zolli, P. (1991). Le parole straniere. Bologna: Zanichelli.
    Serianni, L. & Della Valle, V. & Patota, G. (1993). L'italiano. Milano: Archimede.
    Sabatini, F. (1994). La comunicazione e gli usi della lingua. Torino: Loescher.
    De Mauro, T. & Mancini, F. &Vedovelli, M. & Voghera, M. (1993). Lessico di frequenza dell'italiano parlato (LIP). Milano: Etas Libri.
    Menac, A. & Vučetić, Z. (1995). Hrvatsko-talijanski frazeološki rječnik. Zagreb: Zavod za lingvistiku Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
    Marello, C. (1996). Le parole dell'italiano. Lessico e dizionari. Bologna: Zanichelli.
    De Mauro, T. & Mancini, M. (2001). Dizionario moderno. Parole straniere nella lingua italiana. Milano: Garzanti.
    Giovanardi, C. (2005). Lessico e formazione delle parole. Studi offerti a Maurizio Dardano per il suo 70o compleanno. Firenze: Franco Cesati Ed., , , .
3. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Italian Language and Literature
Consultations schedule: