+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Introduction to Linguistics

Code: 215953
ECTS: 5.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Mirjana Semren
Lecturers: doc. dr. sc. Mirjana Semren - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 15
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Learning outcomes:
  1. The Study of Language, , Yule, George, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., 2020.
  2. Key Concepts in Language and Linguistics, , Finch, Geoffrey, Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan., 2005.
  3. Linguistics, , Widdowson, Henry, Oxford: Oxford University Press., 1996.
Optional literature:
  1. Jezik i društvena situacija-istraživanje govora u nastavi stranog jezika, , Čurković Kalebić, Sanja, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2003.
  2. A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics, , Crystal, David, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1997.
  3. An Introduction to Language, , Fromkin, Victoria, Rodman, Robert, New York: Holt, Reinehart and Winston, 1993.
  4. Language and Linguistics, , Lyons, John, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press., 1981.
1. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - English Language and Literature
Consultations schedule: