+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Music Culture

Code: 68061
ECTS: 3.0
Lecturers in charge: doc. dr. sc. Marijo Krnić
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
Course objectives: Development of skills, competences and introduction to expressive and formative musical elements. Introducing stylistic periods from antique period to the most recent streams in the 20th century music along with listening examples, with the emphasis on introducing music literature in primary school low grade children.
Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus):
Expressive music elements
Formative elements in music
Melody and musical style
Harmony and counterpoint
Agogics and color
Form and content
Music culture of the Ancient Greece
Unanimous music of the Middle Ages
The Notre- Dame School and Ars Antiqua
Ars Nova
Pre-Classics, galant style
Music classics
Styles of the late 19th century
Styles of the 20th century
National style in music
Traditional music
Introducing music literature with hearing examples
Learning outcomes:
  1. Glazbeni susreti I., II., III., IV. vrste, , Ščedrov, Lj., Perak-Lovričević, N., Ambruš-Kiš, R., Zagreb: Profil inter, 1998.
  2. Teorija glazbe, , Prek, S., Završki, J., Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1987.
  3. Osnove teorije muzike, , Tajčević, M., Beograd: Prosveta, 1982.
  4. Osnove glazbene kulture, , Majer-Bobetko, S., Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1991.
  5. Antologija izvornih tekstova iz povijesti i estetike glazbe, , Tuksar, S., , 1995.
  6. Uvod u suvremenu glazbenu pedagogiju, , Dobrota, S., Split: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Splitu, 2012.
  7. Razvojni integrirani kurikulum u umjetničkim područjima, , Sučić, G., Split: Filozofski fakultet, 2016.
Optional literature:
  1. Stoljeća govore glazbom 1, 2, , Čelar, A., Njirić, N., Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 1990.
  2. Music Education: Source Readings from Ancient Greece to Today, , Mark, M. L., , 2002.
  3. Povijest glazbe, , Andreis, J., Sveučilišna naklada Liber, Izdavačko knjižarsko poduzeće Mladost, 1975.
6. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Teacher Education
Consultations schedule: