The focus of the teaching activities is on the development of oral expression and the enrichment of knowledge (lexical and grammatical) necessary for free oral communication:
1. Discussion on topics related to the German-speaking society, culture and sport based on texts from different magazines and newspaper articles (4 E) 2. Expressing opinions on topics from everyday life e.g. housing, food, etc. (4 E)
3. Analysis of posters, brochures, advertisements, etc. (4 E)
4. Expressing opinions on topics related to politics and economics based on texts from various magazines and newspaper articles (6 E)
5. Discussion on travel and topics related to tourism (4 E)
6. Discussion on Contemporary Literary Texts (4 E)
7. Discussion on current films (4 E)
- Različite novine (Die Presse, FAZ, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Der Tagesspiegel i sl.), , Razni autori, , .
- Različiti časopisi (Der Speigel, Stern, Focus, Bunte i sl.), , Razni autori, , .
- Informatine brošure, plakati , oglasi i sl., , Razni autori, , .
- Duden: Deutsches Universalwörterbuch, Dudenredaktion, 9., vollständig überarbeitete und erweiterte Aufl.;, , Dudenredaktion, Dudenverlag, Berlin, 2019.