+385 21 32 92 84

Poljička cesta 35, Split, Croatia

Romanticism, Realism and the Modern Age in Croatian Literature

Code: 217450
ECTS: 4.0
Lecturers in charge: izv. prof. dr. sc. Lucijana Armanda Šundov
Lecturers: izv. prof. dr. sc. Lucijana Armanda Šundov - Seminar
Take exam: Studomat

1. komponenta

Lecture typeTotal
Lectures 30
Seminar 30
* Load is given in academic hour (1 academic hour = 45 minutes)
The aim of this course is to introduce students to contents regarding Croatian literature of Romanticism, Realism and the Modern Age in connection to European literature. It is also important to introduce students to the most important writers of these periods as well as the most significant genres. The ability to detect true literary value should be developed as well as understanding diachronic and synchronic development of literature.
The main aims in the acquisition of competences:
- to introduce students to basic processes and phenomena in
Croatian literature of the second half of the 19th C and the first half of the 20th C
- to introduce students to historical background that has had a major impact on the development of literature in these periods
- to provide insight into literary genres and movements in these periods
- to enable students to observe literary processes in its historical context
- to train students to be able to interpret ideological and political framework of literary texts
- to provide insight into the importance of diachronical continuity of literary processes in Croatian literature in these periods
- to provide contextual insight into social, historical, political and geographical aspects that have determined the development of Croatian literature
- to enable students to take into consideration different theoretical aspects when interpreting various literary texts of these periods
- to enable students to be able to pass on their knowledge and competences on Croatian culture and literature
- to ensure students' competence regarding different texts, their interpretation and to encourage critical thinking
- to enable students to use literature individually and to form critical opinion on the literature
- to ensure prerequisites for students' successful engagement in interpreting literary and non-literary texts after completion of this and other courses
- to enable students to use their skills and competences in literary criticism, in classroom and in other contexts
1. Introduction: historical context: Count Josip Jelačić Bužimski, the Constitution of the year 1848, the reign of Count Khuen-Héderváry, brothers Antun and Stjepan Radić, student protests in 1895, the I. World War
2. Mirko Bogović, Dragojla Jarnević, Josip Freudenreich
3. the Age of Šenoa: August Šenoa Naša književnost, Kameni svatovi, Kugina kuća, Propast Venecije, Mila Gojsalića, Smrt Petra Svačića, Fratarska oporuka, Prijan Lovro, Mladi gospodin, Ilijina oporuka
4. August Šenoa: Prosjak Luka, novels; Josip Eugen Tomić: Opančareva kći
5. European context of Croatian Pre-Realism
6. Ante Kovačić: U registraturi
7. Eugen Kumičić: Jelkin bosiljak; Josip Kozarac: short stories
8. Ksaver Šandor Gjalski: Janko Borislavić; Vjenceslav Novak: Iz velegradskog podzemlja, Posljednji Stipančići
9. Croatian poetry in Realism and the Modern Age: from Kranjčević to The Croaitan Young Lyric
10. Croatian poetry in Realism and the Modern Age: from Kranjčević to The Croaitan Young Lyric
11. Croatian poetry in Realism and the Modern Age: from Kranjčević to The Croaitan Young Lyric
12. Novels and short stories in Croatian Realism
13. Kovačić and Novak
14. From Realism to the Modern Age
15. Croatian literature of Romanticism, Realism and the Modern Age in its European context
Learning outcomes:
  1. Povijest hrvatske književnosti, , Jelčić, Dubravko, Naklada Pavičić, 2004.
  2. Leksikon hrvatskih pisaca, , Krešimir Nemec, Duja Fališevac, Darko Novaković (ur.), Školska knjiga, 2000.
  3. Povijest hrvatske književnosti (Poglavlja: Protorealizam i realizam i Moderna.), , Frangeš, Ivo, Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 1987.
  4. Povijest hrvatske književnosti I, II, III., , Šicel, Miroslav, Naklada Ljevak, 2004.
Optional literature:
  1. Književni protusvjetovi. Poglavlja iz hrvatske moderne., , Batušić, N., Kravar, Z., Žmegač, V., , 2001.
  2. Autobiografije hrvatskih pisaca, , Brešić, V., , 1997.
  3. Hrvatska književnost 19. stoljeća, , Brešić, V., Alfa, 2015.
  4. Ljepša polovica književnosti, , Detoni Dujmić, Dunja, , 1998.
  5. Povijest hrvatskog romana, , Nemec, K., , 1999.
  6. Novela hrvatske moderne. U: Stvaraoci i razdoblja u novijoj hrvatskoj književnosti, , Šicel, M., , 1971.
  7. Zbornici: Dani hvarskoga kazališta., , Različiti autori, , .
  8. Zbornici: Komparativna povijest hrvatske književnosti., , Različiti autori, , .
  9. Duh impresionizma i secesije, , Žmegač, V., , 1993.
  10. Edicija Pet stoljeća hrvatske književnosti., , Različiti autori, , .
  11. Edicija Stoljeća hrvatske književnosti., , Različiti autori, , .
5. semester
Mandatory course - Regular studij - Croatian Language and Literature
Consultations schedule: